Broadway Tickets Discount Codes Are The Most Popular Way Of Getting A Discount Broadway Ticket. The Codes Can Be Used Online, Phone Or At The Theatre Box Office.
Broadway Tickets Discount Codes Are The Most Popular Way of Getting a Discount To A Broadway Show
The most common (and also most popular) way to get a discounted Broadway ticket is by using a discount code. It's really a discount coupon that works online, in person or over the phone - without the need for coupon clipping.
Discount codes exist for most Broadway shows and are given out for marketing purposes to generate sales and to track how well the various marketing mediums like print advertising, TV, radio and web are working to generate ticket sales and drive traffic. Discount codes are also used on social media websites like Facebook and twitter, to see how many of those users actually buy tickets to Broadway, as most advertising dollars are now spent there.
TKTS Booth Patrons Are Unaware They Can Get Discount Tickets in Advance
Many people, especially those who go to the TKTS half-price discount ticket stand in Times Square, are unaware that these discount codes even exist and that they provide an easy way to get substantial discounts on Broadway tickets in advance of the show, as opposed to on-the-day purchase from the TKTS stand.
It is a great advantage to have the assurance that your discount Broadway tickets are already secured ahead of show time, and so there's no waiting in a ticket line and you know exactly where you will be sitting. Usually the Discount code solution affords the buyer better discounts and better ticket inventory availability than the TDF TKTS ticket stand in Times Square.

How Much Of A Discount Can You Expect on Broadway Tickets?
Broadway ticket discount codes enable the bearer to get big discounts off the regular price of a Broadway ticket. These discounts are listed in our Discount Broadway Ticket Guide. These discount codes entitle the bearer to between a 20% and 60% discount on the face value of a Broadway ticket. You can use the discount codes at the box office, or with Telecharge or Ticketmaster (although these ticket agencies will charge you an extra fee). Most Broadway discount ticket codes can be applied to orchestra and front mezzanine seats, so you can get the best seats in the theater for a fraction of what the people sitting next to you actually paid.
Where Do You Get These Broadway Discount Codes?
We are able to supply all the discount codes available for Broadway shows - Take a look at our latest discount ticket offers at: discount Broadway ticket codes
How Far Out Do the Discount Codes Work?
Broadway show discount codes usually expire within three months after they are issued. This gives the Broadway show producers (and the promoter) an opportunity to judge the success of their marketing solutions, whereby they may extend, improve, reduce or cancel the discount ticket offer. The expiration date of the offer can vary widely as many shows may just require a short-term boost of ticket sales, without devaluing their show brand in the long-term. Others may need longer term help and will tailor the offer to have a longer shelf life.
Which Broadway Shows Offer Discount Codes?
Click Here to see which Broadway shows offer discount codes

How To Use A Broadway Ticket Discount Code:
Once you have a Broadway discount code in your possession, you can use it in one of the following ways:
Call Ticketmaster or Telecharge (Each Broadway show is only handled by one or the other) and place a ticket order using the discount code with the operator - These ticket agencies apply an additional Ticket charge of $8 upwards per ticket for all tickets, not just discounted ones.
You can surf to or web site and place a ticket order using the same discount code. As with the phone orders, these ticket agencies apply an additional Ticket charge of $8 upwards. For Telecharge orders, you can also use which is Telecharge's dedicated Broadway ticketing system for discount codes. Ticketmaster does not have a dedicated website and buying a discount ticket is made much harder on their website.
To save on the additional ticket charges that the ticket official agencies impose, you can go to the theatre box office with the discount code - this will save you the Ticketmaster or Telecharge ticket fees, but bear in mind the ticket inventory may have changed since you last checked, so its best to do it soon after looking at the online availability.

The Four Types of Discount Broadway Ticket Codes:
1 - Email Promotion - Broadway Eblast
The first (and most common) type of discount Broadway ticket code is the email promotion - Also known as an eblast. Individual email promoters are paid to send the Broadway producers offer pitch to their leads on behalf of the producers. They promoters are paid for each email that is sent - Past email examples have been from AAA, Time Warner Cable, Telecharge, Ticketmaster, Groupon, Google Offers, Living Social, Travelzoo, LIPA, Long Island Railroad, etc.
The leads are usually their client list, which they would not want to give out to an external party, but are happy to send the offer on the behalf of the show producer.
2 - Direct Mail - Postcard or Mailer Offers
Mailer offers are the second type of promotional Broadway discount code. These are usually in the form of a postcard sent via USPS to a client who has previously purchased a Broadway ticket. The Broadway producer has a number of criteria that they can choose including; client demographic, previous Broadway shows that the client may have purchased and what geographic areas they would like to send to. The actual contact and address data is not actually provided to the Broadway producer, they just pay a set fee to send to the list. This data is only owned by the official ticket sellers, Telecharge (Shubert) and Ticketmaster who maintain this duopoly.
3 - Private Market Discount Offer Code - Specialty markets that have their own corporate clients
Dedicated private vertical market code is the third type of discount codes. These codes are dedicated to a private market and adopt a direct revenue share model where the promoter receives a percentage of the tickets sold using that discount code. The promoter markets the discount Broadway code and gets a percentage of the tickets value that are sold. Examples of private markets are, Plum Benefits and Working Advantage.
4 - One-Time-Use Discount Code - Single use discount code
The fourth type of discount code is the one-time-use discount code, that by its very nature can only be used one time. These discount codes can be supplied by a Broadway show producer, ad agency or marketing company in email, direct mailer or in another private communication. The one-time-use discount code is remarkably good at not allowing a discount offer "leak" out, but its use can cause major headaches for the official ticket agencies as customers are not familiar with one time use discount codes and the very fact that they can only be used once. This type of discount code is the least frequent and it has been seen that the Broadway industry is moving away from this type.

Editors Note:
Ultimately, you really don't care what type of discount code you have and where it came from, just so long as it works and the discount is good for the time you want to go. If you keep that in mind, you won’t go wrong.