In A Somewhat Dated But Still Charming And Funny Play, David Hyde Pierce Proves He Can Be The Leading Man In The New Broadway Play Accent On Youth
David Hyde Pierce Shines As Leading Role In "Accent On Youth"

A successful writer is about to give up on his most recent script, but then his secretary offers him renewed inspiration. With the young secretary acting as his muse, the playwright puts his show on Broadway - only to discover that the play’s handsome leading man is being inspired by her as well.
Samson Raphaelson's 1934 play stars David Hyde Pierce (Frasier, Spamalot, Curtains) in a performance that demonstrates that he is successfully making the transition from comic sidekick to unassuming leading man. Though the comedy is certainly a bit dated, it still plays as quite charming and funny, and it also offers some thoughtful meditations on love and youth.