English Writer Patrick Marber Wrote An Updated Version Of The Strindberg Classsic Miss Julie, Now Set In 1945 Starring Johnny Lee Miller And Sienna Miller
A Modern Take On "Miss Julie" Opens On Broadway

This is Patrick Marber's version of the Strindberg classic Miss Julie, now set in 1945, just as the war has ended and the Labour Party has achieved a major political victory. With this backdrop, the privileged Miss Julie finds herself attracted to John, a servant in her household who also happens to be engaged.
English writer Patrick Marber has "updated" Swedish playwright Strindberg's 1888 drama about power, sex, and class to make it relevant to a turning point in the British class system. The pscyho-sexual power struggle between privileged but frustrated Miss Julie and her servant John (who is smart and proud, but class conscious to the core) is all the more interesting when played out against the political change that is meant to sound the death knell of the old class system that these two are so hampered by. Jonny Lee Miller and Sienna Miller play their roles well, and Marin Ireland, as John's fellow servant and intended bride, is excellent as always.