The Broadway Play Ann, Featuring Holland Taylor As The Former Texas Governor, Is Offering Special Discounted Tickets For Young People Aged 14-18 During Its Last Weeks Before Closing On June 30
Broadway Show Offers Youth an Opportunity For Ticket Discount

The Broadway play Ann about former Texas governor Ann Richards may be closing on June 30, but in the last couple weeks before the one woman show starring Holland Taylor shutters, it is going to give young people ages 14-18 a special opportunity to get heavily discounted tickets. The discount Ann tickets are priced at $20 each and are available for every remaining performance of the show, which plays at the Vivian Beamont Theater at Lincoln Center.
They start selling the tickets each day when the box office opens, and they can also be purchased in advance for future shows. An I.D. is not required. “Something in the spirit of Ann, herself, that she would love,” said Holland Taylor, announcing the new youth discount ticket policy. “Parents can come to the box office to buy their own tickets and bring their kids who can buy their own tickets. Groups of kids can come. Kids can come all by their lonesome. This is an unrestricted gift to the generation Ann cared about the most.”