Tony-Nominated Play Ann To Close On June 30 After 151 Broadway Performances Due To Low Sales Post-Tony Awards, Despite Critical Acclaim, The Production Struggled With Low Weekly Grosses
"Ann" Concludes its Broadway Production

Just a few days after the Tony Awards ceremony came the news of the first post-Tony casualty. Ann, the one-woman Broadway play written by and starring Holland Taylor in a tour-de-force performance, will ends its run at Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theater on June 30. When it closes, the critically-acclaimed production will have played a total of 151 performances. Some years it is a virtual bloodbath following the Tonys, as Broadway shows which have been barely holding on to dear life finally give up once their Tony hopes have been dashed. But this year most of the struggling shows didn't even last until the Tonys.
Since Ann is currently the Broadway show with the lowest weekly grosses, and star Holland Taylor did not win the Tony Award she was nominated for, it is not altogether surprising that the play is closing. “The incomparable Holland Taylor has dedicated the last six years of her life creating and performing this beautiful play, a tribute to an indomitable American cultural hero, stated Ann producer Bob Boyett. "The impact it has had on audiences is indeed a consummate achievement and a monument to the legacy of Ann Richards. My producing partners and I could not be any more proud to have brought Ann to Broadway.”