The Beloved Musical Avenue Q Makes Its Return To New York City, This Time At Off-Broadway's New World Stages In Times Square, With A Show Initially Starting At The Vineyard Theatre
Broadway Musical Returns to the Stage

After a mere month-long hiatus, the popular musical Avenue Q re-opens in New York City today, this time at Off-Broadway's New World Stages in Times Square. The amazing thing about this opening is that it marks the extremely rare event of a show beginning life Off-Broadway (at the Vineyard Theatre), transferring successfully to Broadway (at the John Golden Theatre), enjoying a healthy multi-year Broadway run, closing, and then almost instantaneously transferring back to Off-Broadway.
Rare though this approach is, it seems logical since the "puppet musical", which is still known and loved by audiences, will be cheaper to produce Off-Broadway and will not have to fill as many seats. This "new" Avenue Q is essentially the same production as the one seen on Broadway, but it features brand new cast members.