Today Is World Aids Day And Its Corollary, A Day Without Art, And New York Is Hosting Events Across The City To Honor Aids Victims And Artists Who Have Died Of AIDS
New York Honors AIDS Victims

Today marks both World Aids Day and its corollary, A Day Without Art, and events around New York are being held to honor the victims of AIDS. Many museums are removing or covering works of art with black cloth to bring attention to the many artists who have died of AIDS.
At The Metropolitan Museum of Art, for example, a work of art in each collection will be either removed or covered with a cloth; no work of the day will be presented on the website, and the flags outside the museum will be flown at half-staff.
A Day Without Art
A list in the Great Hall, right inside the Museum’s entrance, will show visitors all the works removed from view, and explanatory labels will be included where the works usually sit. (Other museums around the city, and in fact, the country, are following suit.)
Other events around the city include a 24-hour reading of names of those who have died of AIDS; it takes place at City Hall Park (near 260 Broadway) through the day and into tomorrow.
A Candlelight Vigil
Everyone is welcome to stop by and participate. Tonight, a candlelight vigil will be held uptown in the Community Garden on East 103rd and Park Avenue; across the park, another vigil will take place at the Trinity Lutheran Church at 164 West 100th Street at 6:00 PM.