Broadway Closes To Vehicular Traffic Creating A Large Pedestrian Walkway With Tables, Chairs, Benches, Restaurants, Food Trucks, And A Glorious View
Times Square Becomes More Pedestrian Friendly

For decades, the legendary Times Square -- one of the most vibrant, well-known locations on the planet -- was surprisingly inhospitable to people who just wanted to sit back and take in the ambiance of this tourist haven.
With two major thoroughfares, 7th Avenue and Broadway, crossing right through the heart of Times Square, pedestrians had to crowd onto the narrow sidewalks, constantly stopping foot traffic to take photos of the neon mecca.
Broadway Closes To Vehicular Traffic
But today, Broadway is now closed to vehicular traffic between 41st and 47th streets, creating a large pedestrian walkway where people can wander around and be dazzled by the lights and pose for pictures with loved ones. It has also opened up marketing opportunities for Broadway shows, which sometimes send out performers in costume to hawk their shows to potential ticket buyers.
For Broadway fans, the walkway was a particularly welcome change, since previously there was nowhere to go in the Broadway theater district to kill time if you arrived early for a show. Now there are tables, chairs, and benches situated all along Broadway, giving you a good place to sit for awhile.
Dining In The Street With A Great View
The seating options also make it possible to get a quick bite before the show starts. Of course there are plenty of restaurants to choose from in the Broadway theater district, but they get crowded in the hours before showtime, and unless you arrive with time to spare, you might have to bolt before you even get a chance to finish your main course.
For those who have only have 20 or 30 minutes to satisfy their stomachs, you can pick up a slice of pizza or some fast food, or even get a meal from one of the food trucks now conveniently parked right there on Broadway, and sit and eat your pre-show dinner. Dining in the middle of the street may not seem too glamorous, but the view is spectacular.