Are You Looking For The Perfect Way To Enjoy The Christmas Season In New York City? We Have You Covered With A Jam-Packed Itinerary
The Perfect New York Christmas Season Day

During the Christmas season, everyone should have a New York holiday kind of day. The one we’re detailing is particularly good if you happen to have kids in tow, but everyone will appreciate it.
Have plenty of stamina, and start off at the Ziegfeld Theater (141 West 54th Street). Though the original was razed, this gigantic theater is like nothing else around, bursting with more than 1100 seats.
Enjoy Disney Classics
See “The Princess and the Frog,” the newest Disney offering, featuring the first African-American princess (she wants to run a restaurant--let’s hear it for girl power) and a return to hand-drawn animation.
Before you go, check out Disney classics like “Snow White,” "Cinderella” and Sleeping Beauty” to remind yourself how fabulous these animated movies are. When you’re done, surely you’ve forgotten to buy a gift for Aunt Frieda. Trek over to the Columbus Circle Holiday Fair, near the Time Warner Center.
Shop With Over 100 Vendors
The same folks who bring us the Union Square Market have organized it, and the market features more than 100 vendors with a nice array of crafts and goodies. (Daily; 10 am-8 pm; Enter near the southwest entrance to Central Park at Central Park West and Central Park South; call 212 529-9262 for more info).
Finally, finish off your evening with Paul Winter’s 30th annual winter solstice celebration at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (1047 Amsterdam Avenue; 212 316-7750). The concerts run tonight, tomorrow and Saturday, and feature Winter’s orchestra as well as a dance performance and special guests. Tired yet? You will be—there’s always more to do tomorrow in New York at the holidays.