Over $46 Million In Grant Funds Will Be Put Toward The Renovation And Maintenance Of Ferry Boats And Piers In New York City Improving Accessibility And Commuter Experience
Major Renovations And Maintenance For Ferry Boats And Piers In New York City

Mayor Bloomberg and several other elected officials recently announced that more than $46 million in Transit Capital Assistance Grant funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be put towards the renovation and maintenance of ferry boats and piers in New York City.
Money will also be used to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. In addition to money from stimulus funding, previous city, and federal funding will bring the total amount allocated to the projects to more than $139 million; the projects will help create and keep more than 1600 jobs.
Accessibility Upgrades And Helping Commuters
Among other benefits, upgrading the ferry system should help encourage commuters to leave their cars at home in an effort to reduce air pollution. Projects include maintenance and repair of six Staten Island ferryboats; accessibility upgrades for several public ferry landings, including those at East 90th Street, East 34th Street, and Pier 79 at West 39th Street; and the rehabilitation of Pier 11 (South Street between Wall Street and Pine Street).
Oh yes—never think that the everyday needs of the weary traveler have been overlooked: Among the many structural changes to Pier 11, ferry riders will be glad to hear that canopies to protect passengers from inclement weather are on the agenda as well.