Four New King Penguins Have Made Their Debut At New York's Central Park Zoo In The Renovated Polar Seabird Exhibit As Part Of The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Species Survival Plan
King Penguins Join the Central Park Zoo

First the Winter Olympics…and now this. Yes, there’s more big news in the world of winter events, but it has nothing to do with Lindsey Vonn: Four new king penguins have joined the flock at New York’s Central Park Zoo. The renovated Polar Seabird exhibit—“Polar Seabirds: Life on the Edge of the World”--was reintroduced to the public yesterday. The addition of the king penguins (which join other kinds of penguins, including the wonderfully named gentoo and chinstrap) is part of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Species Survival Plan.
The newbies’ names? Lyle, Slappy, Will and Robert. (They’re all male; no word on how the names were chosen). What else has changed in the penguin house? New graphics and videos now highlight penguins in their native lands. In addition, new lighting proves a clearer, more distinct view of the birds. King penguins are native to Antarctica and the Falkland Islands. They are among the largest--and deepest-diving--penguins.
The Polar Seabird Exhibit Welcomes the King Penguins
These birds stand about three feet tall, and are distinguished by the orange feathers at their neck. (They do have the same tuxedo plumage as the gentoo and chinstraps, and only the Emperor penguin is larger.) The zoo now houses more than 60 king, gentoo and chinstrap penguins. While these types of penguins are not endangered, their native habitats face environmental threats ranging from overfishing to potential climate change. The Zoo is located at Fifth Avenue and 64th Street. (212 439-6500)