MoMA Has Stirred Controversy With Its Latest Exhibition, Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present, Retrospective Showcases Around 50 Works By Yugoslavian-Born Artist Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic Retrospective Takes Center Stage

If you’re planning a visit to New York’s Museum of Modern Art any time soon, brace yourself. No, we mean that literally—you’ll have to pass through two naked people flanking a doorway if you want to see “Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present,” which opened yesterday. The “performers” will alternate, and include both opposite and same sex participants: It’s all part of a retrospective.
The museum is presenting an exhibition of approximately 50 of the Yugoslavian born artist’s works, and includes video works and photographs, as well as “re-performances” of her works. The artist will also perform a new solo work. It will be the longest duration of time that she has performed a single solo piece. All performances will start before the museum opens and stop after it closes each day, to help viewers experience the timeless of the works. Spoiler Alert: You may also see a nude woman on a bicycle seat and another nude performer lying under a skeleton.
New MoMA Exhibition Elicits Strong Reactions
Visitors at a preview were a bit unsettled, to say the least--which may be part of the point. Warning: If you don’t like audience participation, watch out. A series of lectures and gallery talks will accompany the exhibition. The Museum of Modern Art is at 11 West 53rd Street. Call (212) 708-9400 for more information. And don’t forget that you can visit late one day a week: MoMa nights are the first Thursday of each month, when the museum stays open until 8:45 PM.