As Part Of A Greener Initiative Promoting Alternative Transportation, “Summer Streets,” Will Close Park And The Connecting Streets To Cars From The Brooklyn Bridge To Central Park
Enjoy Music, Art, Dance, And More At "Summer Streets"

For the next three Saturdays (August 8, 15, 22), forget your car--just bring along a sturdy pair of sneakers or a two-wheeled vehicle if you’re planning to be near New York City’s Park Avenue. The New York Department of Transportation and its partners are presenting “Summer Streets,” which closes Park and connecting streets to cars from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park.
What will be there instead? If you have any sense of adventure, you will! You can walk, stroll, amble, bike, or jog your way through the streets, which will also host a variety of activities, from free fitness forums and bike and skate rentals to music, art, and dance performances and events.
Part Of A "Greener" Initiative
Want more? Check out the Reading Area (on Park between 52nd and 53rd); or the Kids Zone, which offers games and crafts for the younger set (52nd between Park and Lexington). (Oh, yes--sitting and relaxing are just fine, too.) The event is part of the city’s initiative to make people more aware of “greener” transportation alternatives, and is modeled on similar events that have been held around the world.
The streets will be closed from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more information (about the event itself; street closures, or alternate routes), dial 311; you can request to be connected to the Summer Streets Hotline.