Woody Harrelson, Launches High-Octane Comedy Bullet For Adolf As The Writer And Director With His Friend Frankie Hyman At New World Stages In NYC
"Bullet For Adolf" Premieres Off-Broadway

The actor Woody Harrelson will be wearing both his writer's and director's hats later this summer when his new play Bullet for Adolf has its American premiere at New World Stages Off-Broadway. Harrelson, who co-wrote the high-octane comedy with his friend Frankie Hyman, will serve as the production's director.
In the play, a pair of Midwesterners meet up with a slick New Yorker during a sweltering Texas summer in the early '80s. The events of the play are set off when a World War II artifact (related to the Adolf of the play's title perhaps?) goes missing.
Woody Harrelson As Writer And Director
“Frankie and I worked construction together in Houston in the summer of 1983,” Woody Harrelson was quoted as saying in a press statement about the play. “The people we got to know that summer had a profound effect on us and we knew we had to write a play about them."
Set for an eight-week run, Bullet for Adolf will begin performances on July 19, with an opening night set for August 8.